
You may find the drop deadlines of courses by clicking on the CRN in the online course 时间表. Becoming familiar with these dates can help you prevent unnecessary frustration 在你的求学之旅中.  


The last day to drop a class varies depending on the number of hours the course meets 在学期中. 对于每个课程,有两个最后退课日期. 最后的日子 to drop are listed in the online class 时间表 and on the student 时间表 in your LancerPoint门户.

学校放弃的课程 退钱的最后一天 不会保留在你的学习记录上吗. 你将不负责任何费用 associated with that course and a refund would be due if the fees were paid prior 往下掉. 

If you drop for any reason after the last day to drop for refund and before the 以W开头的最后一天, you are responsible for the fees associated with the course and will have a W on 你那门课的学习成绩.

Courses dropped with a W do not count when calculating the grade point average. W's 在计算你的成绩时要考虑哪些因素. W也算在 一门课程可以重复的尝试次数.


Students may be granted an 原谅撤军 when unexpected circumstances have left you no other option than to stop attending or participating in a course after all appropriate interventions to remain in the course have been explored.

Students should work with their instructor to see if any arrangements can be made to support you through your situation so you can complete the course. 

Students should use on-campus services which can support you in completing the course.

As soon as you become aware continuing in the course is not possible, you should drop yourself from the course if the option is still available through your LancerPoint 门户网站.

An 原谅撤军 is not always the appropriate response to a substandard grade when you attended or continued to participate until the end of the course. 你应该 seek support services to prevent the failing grade and/or discuss the situation with 你的导师找到一个解决方案.

The grade the instructor submits is final and the instructor will be included in the determination of whether a grade (D or F) may be changed to an EW.

If you are seeking to have your course drop (W), be considered for an 原谅撤军, you may submit the 原谅撤军 petition along with verifiable documentation. The verifiable documentation must directly support the need to withdraw from the course. 


  • 地理区域以外的工作调动;
  • 重病病例;
  • Illness of a family member w在这里 you are the primary caregiver;
  • 你受到移民诉讼(驱逐出境);
  • 直接影响你的自然灾害

Some types of acceptable forms of verifiable documentation may include:

  • 工作指令;
  • 医疗记录(请假/休学通知);
  • 警方报告;
  • 法庭命令

All verifiable documentation must have dates that are relevant to the term for which 您正在寻求借口提款. 

EW可能对经济援助有影响. 你应该和工作人员商量一下 向我们的财政援助办公室询问任何影响. 

Courses dropped with an EW do not count when calculating your grade point average 或者在计算你的进度时. EW's不计入 重复一门课程的尝试. 

请愿书 for 原谅撤军 are accepted at any time up to six months after receiving 不及格(D或F)或不及格(W). 

点击 在这里 访问“借口撤回请愿书”. 


紧急撤离 may be applied when the college is unable to provide instruction due to a natural disaster or other occurrence that prevents the college from instructing 你在很长一段时间内. 

紧急撤离 may be applied to students who attended PCC Spring 2020 through 2022年秋季. Students seeking an emergency withdrawal for courses taken during this period of uncertainty may request to have less than passing (D or F) grades or W's 改成EW.


You can be automatically dropped from a course for the following reasons:

From Spring 2021 through Summer 2023, all face-to-face or hybrid classes required a COVID-19 vaccination or qualifying medical/religious exemption. 做过的学生 not submit appropriate vaccination records or qualifying exemption requirement set by the college, were dropped from their face-to-face or hybrid class(es).
  • It is in your best interest to drop yourself from any course you no longer plan to 出席或参与. 
  • If you fail to attend the first class meeting, you may be dropped.
  • 如果你第一堂课迟到,你可能会被除名.
  • Excessive, continuous or cumulative absence may also result in your being dropped.
  • Instructors should drop students who have not appeared in class or who are judged to be inactive by the Census Date (Monday of the 3rd week of the semester for a full 学期(班).

To avoid being dropped, you must make arrangements with your instructors prior to 任何有计划的缺课.

If your classroom, clinical, or laboratory actions are dangerous to the health or welfare of yourself or other persons, you may be dropped from 类.

You may be dropped from class for unsatisfactory conduct or citizenship related to 类. This includes, but is not limited to, conduct in a classroom or other setting 如实验室、诊所或工作站. 不满意的行为或公民身份 includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, other forms of academic dishonesty, flagrant violation of instructor direction and actions disruptive to the on-going 教与学过程.

 You may be dropped from a course due to low enrollment or other administrative issue 由提供课程的部门决定.

 You may be dropped from a course(s) if you fail to meet the prerequisite. 学习 有关清除先决条件的更多信息,请访问 办公室的先决条件.


You may refer to our refund policy to see if you qualify for a refund of the fees 你支付.